Written by Jaime Em.

Photos by Julien Gagnon.

August 24th marked the official opening of Time Is Gold at Le Livart gallery on St. Denis in Montreal. The exhibition celebrated the life and work of prolific graffiti writer and artist Alex Scaner, who sadly died of cancer in the late summer of last year.

Sharing a large collection of works by Scaner, as well as tribute pieces by artists Astro, Benny Wilding, Earth Crusher, 123Klan, Stare, Zek and Zema, Time Is Gold showcases the wide-ranging talents and artistic endeavors of the late artist. Photography, mixed media canvases and sculptural works filled the gallery space, demonstrating a beautiful collision of his signature style with fine arts experimentation.

Past and present writers, friends and family, graffiti appreciators and enthusiasts gathered to honour and commemorate the king.

Scaner’s love and dedication to the subculture was and continues to be undeniably visible on both local and international graffiti scenes; having left significant marks on the cultural fabrics of various cities, Montréal remains his hometown and his largest playground. His measureless legacy can be found in every crack and corner of the city, from small tags, to large scale murals, as well as multiple tribute pieces in his memory. Scan is and will remain an iconic figure in graffiti history.

In the coming weeks, a large scale (7250 square feet!!) mural will be erected for Scaner, to be completed by over 30 local and international artists. M.Cando is organizing the commemorative mural, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the legacy of Alex Scaner. To donate to the project and stay up to date on its timeline, please feel free to click the following link.